17-yr-old “MATT” from PA has REVERSED his AIH…and he’s not in and out of the hospital anymore. He’s off his AIH meds, and while he’s still on Asacol …he’s weaning off that now. He’s healthy, strong and building muscle. BUT 3 years ago his liver levels were at 1600 and the doctors at the prestigious CHOP said “it doesn’t matter what he eats, he just needs to keep up with the meds…pred and AZA.” (this is a quote!). His parents worked very hard at keeping him on the strict diet …but teenage boys can be hard to control. Now his parents are so happy they just had to share their success story. We are confident that he will wean successfully off Asacol…that’s a small task compared to the last 3 years in and out of the hospital and the misdiagnoses. Thank god for his intuitive and brilliant parents! I’m SO PROUD of this Mom & Dad who ALWAYS ASKED WHY! (They would prefer anonymity.)
Here’s Dad’s story:…
Three years ago, our son “Matthew” was feeling ill and he looked jaundiced. We brought him to the hospital and his liver enzymes were off the charts at 1600+. After 3 days, he was diagnosed with Autoimmune Hepatitis. This rocked our world, because we have been fortunate to have a healthy family.
The prescription meds started with Prednisone and he seemed to respond well to the medication. We then followed the doctors prescription of weaning off Pred and moving to Azathioprine(Aza). All seemed well until he began to have stomach cramping. These stomachaches made him eat less and he lost so much weight that we were concerned about his development. Also, he easily picked up the flu and other stomach illnesses as his immune system was suppressed. The entire time his numbers still remained high while on the drug AZA. I felt horrible for him, and was determined to find another option to improve his health.
I found the book, CURING COURTNEY, and this put us on a path to look at this disease differently than the medical field currently does. We then hired Dr. Doug Willen in NYC as well as Denise Otten as our Holistic Health Counselor. We followed the protocol and began to see positive results. My son remained on AZA during the entire protocol and his AST & ALT numbers were better and better. After his numbers were perfct for 2 months, we made the decision on wean him off AZA. It was a great moment for him, and his health has continued to improve. I can tell you this protocol healed my son from AIH, and I am eternally grateful that Denise Otten is championing this cause. So many others can and should be helped with this healthy healing option.
Currently, he has maintained a relatively normal life. We recently found out that he has Crohn’s, but that seems to be in check at this point with some dietary changes. Crohn’s runs in our family, so it is interesting to follow this further to see how the 2 issues may be interconnected. In closing, we are thrilled to have the AIH in complete remission, and we are so grateful he can enjoy a normal life. I’m confident this protocol will work for others!
“Matthew’s Dad”