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Tatiana Krol
November 12, 2019 at 9:44 pm
Dear Denise,
Someone mentioned your book on one of the CF forums I belong to. My 15 year old son has cystic fibrosis and 5 years ago he had elevated liver enzymes and “fatty liver” on the ultrasound and he was started on Ursodiol. Urso brought down his liver enzymes, so they’ve been testing normal ever since, but his latest US still shows fatty liver ( no changes from 5 years ago). I a worried that Urso is just masking symptoms, but is not helping liver… I wonder whether the protocol you followed/developed could be used for a patient with CF to support/prevent liver damage? Would you have any suggestions on how to go about dosing/adding it to his regimen? There are exciting new drugs coming out and in development that potentially can address the underlying cause of CF, but they all seem to be hard on the liver, so in order for my son to benefit from them, we somehow need to heal that liver… I hope I can find a way and would appreciate any suggestions from a veteran healer mom! thank you!
Sorry, I just found this…I don’t check this as most people sign up for the email and contact me that way.
And I would suggest reading my book CURING COURTNEY. The protocol and diet are on pages 144-147…but you don’t have to use the MANNATECH VITAMINS. However, you MUST USE THE ALPHA LIPOIC THAT I USE NOW…SOURCED FROM EUROPE. The old brand I used stopped producing it temporarily. So ONLY USE METABOLICMAINTENANCE.COM. They are EFFICIENT and work wonders on reducing the ast/alt. But you MUST STOP the WHEAT….and any wheat type products, dairy (for most) and eat as ORGANIC as possible..these foods cause the ast/alt to rise.
Please email me if needed.
Denise Otten, HHC
I’m sorry I just found this as I don’t check this thread. Most people contact me on the email portion of this website. Or FB or Instagram.
Hope this helps
hello I just bought the hard copy of Denise’s book and out of curiosity the free e book in this web site is a book or a chapter of the book? because I just got a chapter of the book I just bought?
Sorry for the delay…I just found this email. Yes the ebook was a short but inspiring piece of the book just to give readers a flavor of what’s in the book.
Tatiana Krol
November 12, 2019 at 9:44 pm
Dear Denise,
Someone mentioned your book on one of the CF forums I belong to. My 15 year old son has cystic fibrosis and 5 years ago he had elevated liver enzymes and “fatty liver” on the ultrasound and he was started on Ursodiol. Urso brought down his liver enzymes, so they’ve been testing normal ever since, but his latest US still shows fatty liver ( no changes from 5 years ago). I a worried that Urso is just masking symptoms, but is not helping liver… I wonder whether the protocol you followed/developed could be used for a patient with CF to support/prevent liver damage? Would you have any suggestions on how to go about dosing/adding it to his regimen? There are exciting new drugs coming out and in development that potentially can address the underlying cause of CF, but they all seem to be hard on the liver, so in order for my son to benefit from them, we somehow need to heal that liver… I hope I can find a way and would appreciate any suggestions from a veteran healer mom! thank you!
Denise Otten
April 23, 2021 at 3:22 pm
Sorry, I just found this…I don’t check this as most people sign up for the email and contact me that way.
And I would suggest reading my book CURING COURTNEY. The protocol and diet are on pages 144-147…but you don’t have to use the MANNATECH VITAMINS. However, you MUST USE THE ALPHA LIPOIC THAT I USE NOW…SOURCED FROM EUROPE. The old brand I used stopped producing it temporarily. So ONLY USE METABOLICMAINTENANCE.COM. They are EFFICIENT and work wonders on reducing the ast/alt. But you MUST STOP the WHEAT….and any wheat type products, dairy (for most) and eat as ORGANIC as possible..these foods cause the ast/alt to rise.
Please email me if needed.
Denise Otten, HHC
Glenda Leiker
December 4, 2019 at 9:04 pm
I have tried to send you a message and it continues to fail. Any idea why?
Denise Otten
February 13, 2020 at 6:54 pm
Hi Glenda,
Sorry for the delay. Hopefully you were able to find me on fb or instagram. Please send messages to
Denise Otten
April 23, 2021 at 3:17 pm
I’m sorry I just found this as I don’t check this thread. Most people contact me on the email portion of this website. Or FB or Instagram.
Hope this helps
maria ginetto
December 17, 2019 at 4:53 pm
hello I just bought the hard copy of Denise’s book and out of curiosity the free e book in this web site is a book or a chapter of the book? because I just got a chapter of the book I just bought?
Denise Otten
February 13, 2020 at 6:53 pm
Sorry for the delay…I just found this email. Yes the ebook was a short but inspiring piece of the book just to give readers a flavor of what’s in the book.