Alpha Lipoic REGENERATES Liver Tissue, for AIH/PSC, and other Liver Issues - Curing Courtney

February 17, 2016by Denise Otten0

For decades Alternative Practitioners and few M.D.’s have known that the simple nutraceutical ALPHA LIPOIC actually REGENERATES the liver and has been successful at reversing Autoimmune Hepatitis. According to a January 2014 report by Global Advances Health Medical, Dr. Burton M. Berkson, M.D., and on, Intravenous Alpha Lipoic has helped to regenerate liver tissues and reverse the complications of diabetes mellitus, slow or stop the growth of cancer cells and chelate heavy metals, among other actions. It must be the correct dose, and not an excessive dose. This is something that many M.D.’s and D.O.’s in America are catching onto.

In my experience, as an Holistic Health Coach, I have witnessed this with many clients when they take oral ALPHA LIPOIC in a triple antioxidant treatment. This, along with other supplements and an organic diet, consisting of NO WHEAT OR DAIRY, has helped arguably hundreds of patients across the country to reverse AIH and allow their bodies to wean successfully off their immunosuppressant meds, with the help of a medical doctor.

In the previous blogs you’ll notice that every month I feature someone who’s willing to tell their success story. And unbeknownst to me, people are reversing diabetes, lupus and lowering their blood pressure as a happy consequence of this healthy way of living and eating. So please read my book CURING COURTNEY, then read WHEAT BELLY, by Dr. William Davis, and THE ALPHA LIPOIC BREAKTHROUGH, by Dr. Burt Berkson. Call me for consultations if you need guidance, or even for a suggested M.D. in your area who’s familiar with reversing autoimmune diseases naturally.
Wishing you great joy and health on your journey of this fabulous life!
Denise Otten, H.H.C. 003