21-Yr-Old Hannah Healed her AIH...when the doctors said she COULDN'T! Never tell a 21 yr old 'NO'! - Curing Courtney

February 1, 2016by Denise Otten0

Gorgeous Hannah (21-yrs-old), HEALED HER AIH! They say New Yorkers are a tough breed….well here’s an Ohio born Beauty who should not be messed with. The doctors told her she’d be on meds for life…or worse. She refused to believe it and fought them until she found CURING COURTNEY…Then healed!
Here’s her story IN HER OWN WORDS. I love this girl’s spunk!!!
In June 2014 I noticed that I had yellow in the whites of my eyes. I didn’t think to much of it . Then weeks later I started to have a lot of joint pain, so I went to Urgent Care and they said I sprained my knee. But the next day the pain was in the other knee and my fingers were sticking together. As a college student in the medical community, I didn’t have time for this so I blew it off. Then one day I came home for lunch & my mom freaked out because she said it looked like my eyes were glowing. She rushed me to the hospital and they found that my liver levels were in the 1300 area. They said my gall bladder was likely blocked and sent me to the largest University hospital in our area for more evaluation. After many more tests and a liver biopsy, those doctors said I had AIH. wink emoticon
That’s when my research began, and all of the information was the same. Meds for the rest of my life! Good lord I was not doing that!! I was so upset but started taking the 3mg of budesonide as prescribed, and tests often. But I hate meds. So I looked up AIH on YouTube and low and behold, up pops this book “Curing Courtney”. My mom ordered it immediately and I read it quickly to find out what vitamins Denise put Courtney on. After I finished the book and talked to my mom about it, we didn’t know what to do next. So Mom emailed Denise the next day. And she hired her right away so I could get started on the right diet and vitamin protocol. I was ready to get rid of this hepatitis and these horrible meds.
I told my doctor at the next appointment what I was doing and this is where it got interesting. He didn’t think t would work, but he promised he would wean me off meds when my ast/alt levels were normal. I continued to take both meds and vitamins for a couple months until my liver levels were normal.
When I returned to the doctor to start the weaning,…I was in for a rude awakening. The doctor proceeded to tell me about the NEW MEDS he was putting me on next. Mind you, I went to this visit by myself because my mom couldn’t make it.
When I told the doctor I refused to take the new medicine because I was expecting him to wean me OFF the budesonide, NOT GIVE ME MORE DRUGS….he told me all this ‘bs’ about how I would die in FIVE years and he was just looking out for me. I told him I understood but I want to try it my way first.
He said he refused to wean me off the meds. And after several minutes of arguing, I asked him why did he tell me at our last appointment that he would wean me?
He denied ever saying that! That’s when I lost my temper. I was just so pissed that I stood up and got in his face told him “I wasn’t taking his filthy meds all he was trying to do is push meds.”
I walk out and called Denise to tell her what happened. I was screaming so loud into the phone that she had to talk me down because I was about to whoop some old man up and down this hospital.
A few weeks later I asked our family doctor to wean me off the meds…and he said no! That’s when I made up my mind to wean myself. I knew it was risky, but I didn’t give a crap l!!! So I finally weaned off the meds and as of March 2015 I’ve been drug free only staying on the gluten free and dairy free diet (well for the most part dairy free) and taking the vitamins. My liver levels have stayed in a normal range and I haven’t felt better.
I have to thank Denise for that because without her, I would still be on meds getting fat and hairy ewww. THANK YOU DENISE!!!��