6-YR-OLD Aussie HEALS her AIH/PSC, w/ The Curing Courtney protocol plus MORE! - Curing Courtney

January 5, 2016by Denise Otten0

6-yr-old Australian girl is AIH free for the 1st time in 2.5 years!! Her parents reversed her AIH/PSC & Ulcerative colitis, NATURALLY! The doctors said she’d need a transplant. They were WRONG! With vitamins she healed in 1 year! While the parents must remain anonymous, this story will make you smile!
You CAN reverse many AI diseases with vitamins & diet. THIS IS HER DAD’S STORY:
Seeing your child chronically ill with an “incurable disease” is a devastating and soul destroying experience that no parent should have to endure. However, bringing them back to health is the most rewarding, uplifting & powerful feeling. To buck the trends of mainstream medical, expert advice for a chance to heal your child is fraught with danger. We live in a time where the system does not allow the patient to seek alternative methods healing. In Australia, the medical community will take away your child if you don’t adhere to the doctors orders. Because of this concern, I’ve requested to be anonymous with our horrible but successful journey.
Our daughter was born healthy in 2009, the first medical intervention started the day she was born receiving a vitamin K injection, the following 12 months she had more vaccines (as per the schedule) from DTP, polio, HepB, HIB and Varicella that year she had constant problems with constipation on and off as well as the inability to sleep through the night. After numerous doctor visits, she was diagnosed in 2012 with Atopic Dermatitis.
Early Jan 2013, now 3.5yrs of age she had diarrhea for 4-6weeks and abdomen pain. During her overnight stay at hospital her skin on her feet and legs become covered in bruises. She started to have pain in her joints and swelling. After a few days the purpura subsided.
In May 2013, she suffered another 4 weeks of abdomen pain, fever and diarrhoea which can only be described as alarming. This time her LFT’s were up and her diagnosis was HSP (Henoch-Schonlein Purpura)
In June & July of 2013 she still had diarrhea and eczema, with no end in sight.
In September 2013, We were sent to specialists in a larger city to and after 6-7 tests, they said it was IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease), AIH/PSC (Auto immune Hepatitis/ Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis and Ulcerative colitis. The doctors informed us that these were lifelong diseases and that she would be placed on immune suppressants as her immune system is attacking her liver and intestinal lining.
We were told in 5-8 years my little 4 year old beauty could need a liver transplant, and the drugs that were going to be prescribing may cause her bones to become brittle. When it would come time for the liver transplant they would most likely remove the large bowel so that would “cure” the Ulcerative colitis. That would mean she would be fitted with a colonoscopy bag. The treatment requires suppressing the immune system and they recommended she have further vaccinations.
The Doctors were satisfied they had come to the conclusion. My wife and I drove home battered, destroyed and helpless with a future painted so bleak.
To make matters worse, they gave her several vaccinations before we left and she had an adverse reaction to one of them. She couldn’t put pressure on her leg that was vaccinated. It was red, swollen, extremely painful and hot to touch this it made it difficult for her to walk. We tried to tell the doctors about it, but they refused to record this as a side effect because they didn’t know which vaccine was given in the leg at the time.
Once we got home we got on the internet and searched for an alternative way to help heal her somehow or another. We changed our diet to include fresh whole foods cleaned out the pantry of all things processed. Anything containing wheat /gluten was out, sugar gone and as we started to become aware of the negative affects these foods and what they do to the human body. We wanted to give her the best chance to heal so she would need nutritious clean and wholesome food. Research, research and more research……
2014 was again plagued with abdo pain, cold /flu, sore throat, rashes, itchy scalp, and tender glands behind ears, tooth abscess, ear infections. All the while on prescribed medication –Prednisolone, mesalazine and then 6mp came on board.
In Sept 2014 We spoke to various specialists in our country who kept giving us the exact same outcome -unhappy with what they said as I was desperate to find a better outcome for our daughter. Onto the internet again and found Denise Otten’s book “Curing Courtney”. I bought the book and read it.
In Early 2015, We made contact with Denise to talk to her on what she had done for Courtney; I wanted to hear her voice to see what it was all about. Denise couldn’t have been more helpful. We spent long periods on the phone discussing the finer details and kept in touch by messaging. During this time we weren’t mentally ready to stop the pharma meds as fear of retaliation from our doctors remained and that the actual belief of these drugs were there to help her. We spoke to our doctors about this and they stated they did not support this (vitamin protocol) and that if things were to decline they would take “legal action.” I understood this to be a threat to report us to the legal system to remove our daughter from our care if we were to deviate from “mainstream medical recommendations” They highlighted to us that their methods were backed by “science” and that it was the only method approved by the government. A lot of possibilities race through your mind in this situation. We decided to use the vitamin protocol in conjunction with the drugs.
In short, in May 2015, less than a month of starting the protocol her LFT’s were the lowest they had been since diagnosis. Even though the LFT’s were still not within range it was very encouraging to see such a dramatic response. We knew the vitamins were working. Then we found another holistic practitioner, Dr. Jeremy. He recommended more holistic foods and a detox diet while bathing in epson salt baths, walking with bare feet on the ground daily. Also Moringa, and ACV andcoloidal silver, fulvic minerals, celtic sea salt & probiotic suppositories.
I’ll never forget when Dr. Jeremy asked “How does it feel to have your daughter back?” It’s absolutely amazing that our dreams have come true. We thank Denise Otten and Dr. Jeremy Ayres for their encouragment and support and for giving us our lives and our daughter’s health back.
You’re welcome my new Australian friends! G’day mate!